We live in a digital age, a time when social media is king and online presence is everything. Because of this, your chances of stumbling upon a business that doesn’t have a social media account in this day and age are virtually non-existent.

We live in a digital age! Not all businesses put the same amount of time, money, and effort into building their social media presence.

That being said, not all businesses put the same amount of time, money, and effort into building their social media presence. There is no doubt that there are brands that will go out of their way and invest a lot in order to put themselves out there. But then there are businesses that are just sort of out there (but not really). Sometimes, the reason for that is the lack of resources. However, most of the time, it is about not having a good social media strategy. If you’ve got a small business and want to boost your social media presence the savvy way, keep on reading.

Use the right online platforms

We live in a digital age! Not all businesses put the same amount of time, money, and effort into building their social media presence.

How you choose to market your business to your existing and potential customers will largely depend on your target audience as well as your business goals. From LinkedIn and Twitter to Pinterest and Facebook, there are so many different social networks. This might be difficult to narrow down your options and select the right platform for your business. Expert advice? Go for the four most popular networking channels and focus your attention on establishing yourself there. Don’t waste your time on platforms that don’t give you a good return on investment. Also, don’t try to be active on every platform that exists – for a small business owner, it is simply not doable. Instead, invest your time and effort into managing social media platforms that make the most sense business-wise.

Strive to produce engaging content

We live in a digital age! Not all businesses put the same amount of time, money, and effort into building their social media presence.

When it comes to social media, content is king. Posting high-quality content helps you make a good connection with your audience, build relationships, and earn trust. Because of that, you want to make sure that the content you post is engaging. When in doubt about the type of content, get visual. According to Facebook and Twitter statistics, posts that include infographics and videos are six times more engaging compared to text-based ones. If you don’t have the design know-how, you can always rely on pros to create compelling content for you. For instance, experts from Infostarters provide infographics that can be used to bring color and form to your story and deliver your information in an interesting way. Other than effectively communicating data, this increasingly popular content format can help generate more traffic to your website. It will also boost your brand’s credibility, and the best part – it can do wonders for your SEO.

Know what your social media goals are

We live in a digital age! Not all businesses put the same amount of time, money, and effort into building their social media presence.

Before you jump right into creating your social media strategy, you want to be clear on what you are trying to achieve. You don’t want to just start posting randomly without giving too much thought to the whole process. You need to develop a plan that will be in line with your business goals. Something that will allow you to measure your business results and see progress over time. Start by setting SMART goals and social media objectives and try to get an insight into what the competition is like. See whether you can draw some inspiration from them as well as businesses from the other industries. Evaluate your progress occasionally and see whether something needs changing. Also, make use of the 80-20 rule, dedicating 20% of your social media content to promote your brand. Using the other 80% to provide your target audience with information or entertainment.

Carefully curate your social media strategy

We live in a digital age! Not all businesses put the same amount of time, money, and effort into building their social media presence.

Once you’ve tackled your goals, you may think you are ready to start posting. However, that’s just the tip of the iceberg – you also need a strong social media strategy. Start by forming a team that will be in charge of marketing. Then, divvy up the tasks and responsibilities so each member knows what they need to do and when. You may also want to curate your own social media calendar. That way, you’ll know which content needs to be posted when and where. You can also make use of software to schedule all the posts for the upcoming month. If you’re a beginner and social media marketing is still new to you then you might want to check out an online guide to branding. That way, you can learn more about how you can capture the attention of your audience by using effective marketing strategies as a way of building brand awareness and establishing a strong online presence as a result.

Whether you’re looking to connect with your existing audience or aim to attract more audiences, boosting your social media presence is a sure-fire way to gain traction and increase brand awareness. Developing an effective social media strategy is imperative for any business that’s looking to grow and expand. While it may take some time and digital marketing expertise to cultivate social media presence, the benefits that it brings make it worth your while.

What do you think of these 4 Savvy Ways to improve a business’s social presence? Tell us in the comments!