I’ve already talked about how bullet journals help with finances and to-do lists. Did you know that they can also help improve your mental and emotional state? Journaling helps with everything from mental stress to disorders like anxiety and depression. Here are some of the different emotional benefits you can get from keeping a bullet journal.

Journaling helps with everything from mental stress to disorders like anxiety & depression. Here's some of the emotional benefits.

The Emotional Benefits of a Bullet Journal

Stress Relief

First of all, you can get a lot of relief from your stress when you have a bullet journal. This includes relieving different types of stress, such as work stress, financials tress, emotional stress, or even relationship stress.

By having all of your schedules and appointments in one place, you aren’t constantly worried that you are going to miss something. When you have a way to better plan for the future and track your expenses, it helps with financial and work stress you are struggling with.

Looking through your diary entries and mood changes can let you know what the biggest issues are for you. Especially, if your stress can’t yet be identified.

Help With Anxiety

If you struggle with any form of anxiety, whether it is constant worry, generalized anxiety disorder, or severe panic attacks, you know that it can come on suddenly and without warning.

However, it is possible that there are certain events or situations that are leading to the anxiety. Just know, it isn’t always quite as random as you thought. By having the bullet journal and recording your moods and daily lifestyle, you can actually pinpoint what tends to cause the panic attacks.

It might be when you have work stress or when you are around a particular person who seems to draw out the anxiety in you. It can also be due to certain foods or drinking a lot of alcohol or caffeine.

Finding Your Depression Triggers

Depression is also something that may happen at any time, but can also be triggered by someone or something. Some people have situational depression, where there is something that usually occurs to cause all of those depressive moods and feelings.

This is another thing you can determine by recording as much of your life as possible in a bullet journal. This journal is yours and should be private. It allows you to feel free to record any emotions or feelings that you find necessary. Look back on it often to see if there are any patterns.

Have you found any additional emotional benefits from keeping a journal? Let me know in the comments!