I have wanted to write this post for years now, in fact, I’ve probably written it in my mind a million times.  I just never really knew when it would be a good time to write it, what really to put in the post, and if it really would be an interesting post. The best way to do it is to start from the beginning and work my way over the last 19 years of my life. I was living with PCOS.

Living with PCOS

Living with PCOS, you can still live your life. Life with PCOS doesn't have to be hard if you work with your symptoms and maintain your health.

Yes, 19 years of my life are going to be written about. It’ll probably take me many posts over the course of possibly several months. I don’t want to bore you all with some of the boringness (is that even a word?) of my life, but at the same time I want to make sure that while you are reading this you understand what I’m talking about and hopefully it’ll help you or someone you know with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).

Teenage Years

In my teenage years, I knew that something just wasn’t right, my cycles never came when they were supposed to. However, as a teenager, you never really go to the doctor for something like that you just think it’s your diet, too much exercise, not eating correctly, or just stress.  Little did I know, I was living with PCOS.

Fast forward just a couple of years after I graduated high school, and I started to go to the doctors regularly for checkups, and that is when my life changed, forever!

Young Adult Years

I was 19-years-old. It was probably my second annual visit, and the concern of my cycles was not coming when they were supposed to be bothering me. The main concern was I never knew when they would show up, and I always had to be prepared. Noticing things about me that just didn’t seem right for a female. I was getting some facial hair and hair on my abdomen.

I arrived at my appointment, nervous as any female is going in for her annual exam. The dreaded questions, the embarrassment of the hair where it shouldn’t be, etc.  I went through all the typical questions and answers and then the exam. Something didn’t look right; the doctor ordered some blood work and other medical exams.  A week later I returned for the results.

I was six days away from my 20th birthday when I found out I had PCOS.  My life completely changed because of the diagnosis. I was devastated.  Not only did I have this syndrome but because of this syndrome, my dreams of being a mom were fading fast because there is no guarantee of being able to conceive when you have PCOS. It was possible, but it could turn into a very long and hard journey.

I had a very hard time dealing with the news and broke it off with the guy I had been with for two years. I dropped out of college, partied, and I didn’t care about anything anymore. My dreams of having a family was almost gone!  I won’t go into how hard it hit me or how bad things got for me. Just know it was bad

Married Life

It wasn’t until after I got married that I started to research it. I always knew it was going to be a long and hard journey. However, I didn’t know how hard or how long it would be. Searching the internet and purchasing books. I even went back to my doctor for help.

I will continue this series with more information about my symptoms and infertility battles.  It may take a while to get the next post up, but be sure to keep an eye out for it!

PCOSThese are just a few of the books I’ve read in the past that have helped me in many different ways (if you purchase any of these books from clicking the links I will earn money).

Have you been diagnosed with PCOS?

PCOS Symptoms and side effects can be different for everyone. You may have some of the same symptoms and side effects as me, but not everyone does.