We could easily argue that the last twelve months have been the most challenging for several generations. The stresses and strains of what has been an unprecedented time have caused upheaval both at home and in the workplace, with new precaution measures and even new dangers cropping up with alarming regularity.

However, there one thing we can control. What we can do to make sure that we come out of this challenging time in the best health possible.

This will vary from person to person and is definitely not medical advice. Here are a few pointers you can use to help you cope with some of the stresses and strains that the last 12 months have thrown at all of us.

The stresses and strains of what has been an unprecedented time have caused upheaval both at home and in the workplace. Here's 4 tips for you!

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

#1 Fresh air, sunlight, and exercise

This might seem like quite a lot. However, it is a box that you can mark off by going for a walk every day. Something is better than nothing, certainly at the start. If you are not happy going out when other people might be about, then earlier in the morning or just after work might be ideal.

It does not matter if you are only just walking around your neighborhood, you are not going sightseeing and with earpods feeding your brain with music, a podcast, or an audiobook, the time will pass and the fact you are walking the same route every day will not matter as much.

#2 Cut down on Caffeine (and drink more water)

When we are feeling a bit flat, we often turn to one stimulant or another. For most of us caffeine is at the top of that list. Unfortunately, while a small amount of caffeine operates as a handy little kick-starter, too much can just add to your stresses and anxieties.

While the amount of caffeine will vary from person to person, cutting out some caffeine and replacing it with water (again, the amount of water will vary according to who you are) can be very beneficial and help with sleep, weight management, and general wellbeing.

#3 Products containing CBD Oil

When you hear about CBD oil being used in products, the first thing you think of is, “Is CBD legal?”, especially in the United States. The answer to that question will depend on which state you live in. As you know, new laws have been passed over the last few years as to when CBD is legal for medicinal and recreational use.

CBD is a more modern solution, but one that matches the stresses and strains particular to the modern age. More people are incorporating products using CBD oil into their diets and daily routines. Especially now that many of the myths about its effects and legality have been debunked.

Companies like herbalhealthcbd.co.uk not only supply the products themselves. They also have a wealth of information if you were in any doubt regarding what they can do for you.

#4 Enjoy yourself

This might seem much easier said than done at the current time, most people know that it is very hard to feel anxious if you are laughing. It also releases all of the right chemicals in your brain and acts as a muscle relaxant.

Finding things to laugh at in the current climate does not have to be challenging. There is a multitude of streaming services full of comedy programs, one of which is bound to tickle your funny bone.