Crafting can be a fun and practical hobby. With so many options to choose from, crafts will keep your hands busy for hours on end. But, if you’re new to crafting and haven’t done much of it before, you may need some guidance. Below we explore some of the more popular crafting activities around and offer tips on how to get started.
Start Simple
If you’re new to crafting, it’s best to start simple. The number of craft activities out there are endless, and it can be overwhelming to figure out where to begin. So, start simple and pick one activity that you’re interested in. This not only enables you to become adept in one area, but it saves you the headache and stress that can come with overloading yourself with too many new things at once. Also, starting simple will enable you to achieve a sense of accomplishment. Rather than have four mediocre craft projects completed, you can aim for one high-quality one.
Knitting is a favorite pastime for many, and for good reason. This hobby involving needles and yarn is relaxing, fun, and hugely rewarding — especially when you can knit your own blankets, clothing, and accessories. To get started on a knitting journey, there are loads of tutorials online, or you could enroll in a local knitting class. Whatever you end up doing, you’ll first need to set yourself up with a decent set of knitting needles and a selection of yarn. Enjoy knitting your first row!
For those who are more partial to working with finer detail, cross-stitch is a good option. Otherwise known as ‘needlepoint’, cross-stitch is essentially the practice of sewing thread onto a prepared canvas. Finished projects can be anything from a picturesque garden, an animal, or an exotic city. To start cross-stitching, you’ll need to learn how to read a needlepoint canvas and how to make a stitch. Again, online tutorials are a great resource.
Paint by Numbers
Paint by numbers is another popular activity in the craft world. What you paint, for example, can be turned into a craft project of its own, whether it’s making a frame or applying the print onto an object as a gift. The beauty of paint by numbers is that you don’t have to be a talented artist to do it. Simply match the colors and numbers and away you go. If this appeals to you, sites like provide an excellent selection of paint-by-number kits.
DIY Projects
Another common craft activity is DIY. This could apply to several areas of your home, whether it’s your kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, or garden. If you’re stuck for ideas, DIY projects can involve painting cabinets, remodeling furniture, making new cushion covers, or redecorating an entire room. Or, if you’re more artistically inclined, you could make art to display on your shelves or paint a mural on the walls. Holidays are also great for DIY ideas as you could involve the kids and make table displays, napkin holders, candles, and decorations.
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